My Rugged Life: Ramblings of Minnesota resort owner.
Living at and promoting our Minnesota family resort.
April showers bring May flowers, so the saying goes. We should have a lot of flowers this May.
The rain is definitely hindering the progress on the pre-opening projects we are trying to accomplish.
In March we thought this was going to be a spectacular Spring to complete our lofty goals. April has put a dent in those plans. The bright spot in all of the rain/snow will be flowers and grass in May! Right?
The resort will be open for business May 7th and we will open even if our projects are not done. We will adjust our schedules and go forward. What are we working on? Well, let’s start with the things we have gotten done so far.
This winter we completed framing and insulating the workshop, so next Fall & winter we will have heat to work in. That will be awesome. Next we finished a ”warehouse” , while it is not really a warehouse, it is a heated store room where we can keep all of our cleaning products, paint, décor, decorations etc., that means we don’t have to move them every spring and fall. This also affects the back office. Many things have been moved and we can actually walk through it again. Yeah!!
Cabin #3 got a few more updates to compliment the construction progress made last year.
The guys have also done some work on a couple RV sites. WA #3, now has sewer hook-up and the fire pits have moved. NB #3 has been made a bit bigger to accommodate our new RV guests. These are 2 places we hope the April showers will help the grass seed take root.
Judy & Lyle’s house has the soffit and facia installed. 😊
Now to the to do list that is beyond normal start up to-do’s:
Some of the docks are being moved.
As many of you know, the pool supply lines had cracked and caused issues last year. We currently have the pool cement broken up and the lines are getting dug out to replace all of the water supply lines with a more Minnesota appropriate supply line system. Whew, this is a big project – thank goodness for friends who have helped non-stop this Spring.
Cabin #1 is getting a remodel on the bathroom and kitchen, as well as the wiring, windows and siding. It is a big undertaking being hindered by the weather. When it is done, it should be a great improvement, while keeping that vintage feel so many of you love.
On the home front, we have 3 weeks of high school to go and then we have graduation ceremonies and parties to plan to celebrate Chandler and our 3 exchange students’ accomplishments. It has been a crazy spring and will get busier before it settles down to a routine. We look forward to it all.
Take care and make memories!
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Happy 2021!
We are enjoying a rather warm winter so far, but that usually changes. We are hunkered in with distance learning and working from home. Our family is hosting 2 foreign exchange students this year. One is from the Netherlands and one from Germany. So with our daughter Chandler, we now have three 17 year olds in the house. My biggest challenge is feeding them.
It has been fun planning and introducing new experiences for them. So far, they have gone ice fishing, and grouse hunting. They have been on the river with a bonfire and wiener roast and ice skating. We had a very short snowmobile ride and hope to do more of that as the winter progresses. We are planning some snow tubing and more fishing as well.
Corby plowed a big skating rink on the boat bay with the plow truck, but when he tried the same thing at our house on the bay, we ended up going through the ice with the truck. The thin ice was only by the shore and he was in water less than 4 feet deep. One more experience, when we had to get the backhoe and get it out of the water. Luckily all is fine.
It seems like we had one big long holiday this year from Thanksgiving to New Years. With small gatherings every weekend to be with family and friends. It was relaxed and fulfilling getting time to visit with everyone.
So now we are into January and working on insulating our Pole building workshop and creating a warehouse for paint and cleaning supplies. Both items have been on our wish list for years and they are finally coming to fruition.
Take care and make memories!
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WOW Winter – I thought I did better than this in regard to blogging. The summer was very busy and we had a good year – but boy did we run, run run. Especially since Corby still works full time outside the resort. Then in Sept. we had the arrival of our newest exchange student. Emma is from the Netherlands and she and Chandler are seniors this year at the high school. Right now they are distance learning so we stay home almost all the time. We are waiting and planning some winter activities for everyone. The ice is several inches thick so Chandler had been skating in the bay. We also have another boy joining us right before Christmas from Spain, so we are keeping ourselves busy in the off season.
We had an early snow and cold weather, but now the winter has been fairly mild and Corby and Doug have had some time to get everything shut down and are currently getting the workshop insulated!! yeah – they can work on projects all winter now.
We are planning several activities for the winter, we just need some more ice and snow. With Christmas around the corner we are enjoying the lights, decorating the house and baking. i think we are all gaining weight. oh well.
God’s blessings to you and have a wonderful Christmas season.
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Hello July,
It was a hot one to start, but we survived. It wasn’t always pretty, but we made it. We had a small golf cart parade and bean bag tourney. Lots of laughs and good times with guests and friends. WOW! I love summer. I am so pleased to have families and fishermen, at the resort enjoying themselves. It shows we can enjoy nature if we are all careful and do our part to stay safe.
We have offered specials to fill in cancellations, and it seems to be going well. the pontoons are a hit and people are cooling on the river. We are seeing many new faces this year and that is great. Aside from double the laundry, we are doing well here at the resort. So keep watching for a quick last minute weekend – the fall colors are beautiful on the river!
In all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.
Stay safe and healthy.
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June Greetings,
It’s been a dry month here at the resort. I’ve been trying to save the grass and have been moving sprinklers around for days. It’s helping – the rain to day is a welcome drink of water for the earth.
We are surviving the Covid19. There have been many cancellations, but I have discounted rates on open cabins and we are getting calls from people ready to get out and about. I’m really happy about that. It’s amazing how stressful this can be for everyone. We are learning to take each day as it comes and not worry about what tomorrow will bring. Often hard, but a very good thing to practice.
One of the things I enjoy the most when the resort is open is hearing kids and families having fun and laughing. It’s such a joy to hear. Looking forward to hearing more of it this summer.
The houseboat just came in today and the family had an awesome time. It’s so nice to hear when your hard work pays off. It is rented several more times this summer, a first for us, we are looking forward to that. it’s such a great way to spend a vacation and enjoy the peace of the river. You should try it. With the reservations we have, it may be hard to have an evening cruise – but mid week cruises are still available.
i hope all of you are able to enjoy the outdoors in some way – it is good for the soul
Take care and make some memories,
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We have settled in at the resort and adjusted to our new practices and it feels more normal than I had thought it might.
Cleaning and laundry take longer, but seeing people out and about at the resort has been uplifting. Being home for a long time takes it toll and moving back to the resort has been very refreshing. Being outside is great and listening to nature can’t be beat. Everyone is very conscious about social distancing and we’ve had nothing but good comments. Some people say they have more room here to distance than they do in their homes. We are so glad they can take advantage of the woods and water here. We’ve had many cancellations and we hope more people will feel comfortable coming here for a break from their everyday routines.
We cannot open the pool but everything else is up and going. Overnight camping can start on June 1st and we are seeing a resurgence in camping requests.
We try to look for the silver lining and have found the lack of reservations has allowed us to have someone watch the resort for us and we are going backpacking in the boundary waters with our kids. It will be the first back packing we have done as a family and are looking forward to the time we can spend together, enjoying nature and each other without interruptions.
In all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.
Stay safe and healthy.
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Wow what a crazy few months!
We are busy, busy, busy, listening to webinars, preparing the resort changing policies and working on special projects at home before the resort opens! We are opening on May 7th!
So if you are looking for a vacation near me, or nearby, and things to do near me. Look no further! check out our website and rates – we are your affordable vacation.
I also wanted to get this note out there so, people will know what we have in place help keep everyone safe.
Take care and make memories!
A note to our current and future guests – Regarding our Covid 19 response.
All cabin & seasonal RV reservations will be able to take place as currently booked. We can work with you to move your stay later in the summer if that would work better for you. Our location is away from the city, and unlike many businesses, we have little foot traffic and many acres of woodland to separate us from others. Our cabins are not rated for large groups and guests can easily be naturally and socially distanced at our cabins and on the river.
We have best practices in place as outlined by the Dept of Health for cleaning and have purchased an EPA approved sanitizing product we will use in all of our cabins. We have decided to move check in to 4:00 pm and check out to between 8:00-9AM to allow us more time to clean and do laundry. We are also eliminating, board games, puzzles, cards, comforters and extra blankets & pillows in the cabins. Please bring your own. We will provide pillows (In protectors), mattress protector, sheets and a blanket. If you think you want more you can bring your favorite with you. We will launder ALL bedding, kitchen towels & potholders after every guest stay.
We are asking all cabins to social distance from others while moving around the resort and in the office. We are also offering cloth masks for anyone that needs one. We will have hand sanitizing stations around the resort in high traffic areas. Additionally, we will not open public hangout places like our pool area or host any large guest games or gatherings, until deemed safe to do so.
We are in this with you. The safety of everyone involved is a priority to us. We believe if we act responsibly – We can enjoy the outdoors and all the resort has to offer.
Take care and stay healthy.
Corby & Sheila Niemeyer & Crew
March 24, 2020
The last few weeks have been challenging and confusing for everyone. It’s our goal to be as honest, up front and proactive as possible to ensure our guests are safe to enjoy Niemeyer’s Rugged River Resort. We also understand this is new territory with respect to the Coronavirus. Our hope is that with the current guidelines in place, new cases will decline and come early May we will only be looking forward to fishing opener and everyone’s summer vacations at Rugged River Resort.
Perhaps we are being overly optimistic. We are fairly certain all reservations will be able to take place as currently booked. Our location is away from the city, and unlike many businesses, we have little foot traffic and many acres of woodland to separate us from others. Our cabins are not rated for large groups and guests can easily be naturally and socially distanced at our cabins and on the river.
We are evaluating our processes and may need to change how guests check in, the number of people allowed in office at a time and how we sell products. We have always been diligent in our cleaning practices and will continue to do so. We will change how our cleaners are protected and are looking at changes to how we handle laundry. Additionally, until safe to re-open, we will not open public hangout places like our pool area or host any large guest games or gatherings.
We are in this with you. The hardships placed on us are still evolving, as we continue to work with unknowns. Please know, we will continue to make decisions and operate with everyone’s health and wellbeing in mind.
Take care & keep making memories.
Corby & Sheila Niemeyer & Crew
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January 8, 2020 – Clear vision for a new year!
Happy New Year! I’ve been very lazy for the start of this year and decided I needed to look at the website and couldn’t believe I haven’t posted anything since last November.
We have been thinking about the resort a lot, but not putting any ideas to paper. So today that has changed.
We have decided to implement a 5% lodging discount to vets and current service members. We have 3 service members in our family. My husband, Corby was in the Army National Guard. My brother, Kyle was in the Army and in the Persian Gulf War, and my brother, Mike was a marine and also in the Persian Gulf War. To honor them and others who are, or have served, we are offering a lodging discount of 5%. We are also celebrating service men & women on Armed Forces weekend May 15-17. Present and past service members will receive 20% off their lodging on that weekend. Thank you for your service to our country.
We’ve also planned a weekend to celebrate women. Yes, it’s on Mother’s day weekend, but we are celebrating all women, not just mothers. We are inviting you to celebrate on the weekend of May 8-10th. Bring your mother, sisters, daughters and friends. We will have a sunset cruise on the houseboat, an option to go fishing an optional craft on Saturday and fresh cinnamon rolls on Sunday morning.
I’m not done planning, but that was a start.
Have fun and make memories!
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November 13, 2019
I believe winter is here. The temperature has been between 0-18 the last two days and I’m thinking I never want to leave the warmth of my wood heated house. I know that isn’t possible or healthy. Not only that, but I have to go to school to teach, and our exchange student, Carola has decided to learn to snow ski and be on the Alpine ski team, so I will be spending more time outside! I know very little about skiing and am looking forward to it. Our daughter, Chandler will be on the opposite spectrum, while she swims on the local YMCA team for the winter in a nice heated pool. These girls will keep us busy this winter.
The resort is fully closed down and Corby & Doug & Kyle are desperately trying to get a few things done outside that we didn’t have time for this Fall. Cabins, 2, 4, & 5 were re-stained, and they got a good start to cutting firewood for next year. They were able to get Judy & Lyle’s front door replaced (from a previous storm) and are working on the soffit and facia as well. All outside work, so I won’t complain. I am working on website updates, marketing, bookkeeping and laundry. I am warm and cozy – I hope you are too!
Have fun and make memories!
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September 23, 2019
I can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve posted. It’s been busy the last 30 days. We are still adjusting to having another teenage girl in the house. We love it. Our exchange student, Carola is a gem. So happy to share the next nine months with her.
Labor day weekend brought, the traveling art pub. The boat house was full of fun loving painters and was a huge success. There were many requests to do it again! The next day, Kim & Doug, a couple that helps us and stays at the resort, hosted a gathering, “Last Call Y’all”. Kim and Doug had Bingo, potluck and a bean bag tournament. It was a lot of fun. After that, it seemed like the end of October with the chilly weather and lots of rain. I don’t know about you – but I am certainly not ready for the cool weather.
On Sept 14th – our niece was married hereon the grounds of the resort. It was beautiful and the weather finally cooperated and we had a r
eally nice outdoor wedding and reception for 200 people.
Last weekend we were busy with houseboat tours. On Saturday, we hosted the Brainerd Ski-Loons, a water ski show team. For their annual Fall gathering they went a on a leisurely houseboat ride and then had a potluck dinner and campfire at the boat house. It was a nice way to end the ski season. On Sunday we had a family book the houseboat for a Fall color tour. I was a perfect fall day and they also brought munchies and had fun making memories. A perfect way for family and friends to enjoy time together.
This week finds me catching up on laundry, (my washer broke down last week), computer work, substitute teaching along with tennis and swim meets. I hope the coming weeks find you enjoying your time spent with those you love.
Have fun and make memories!
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August 22nd, 2019
I can’t believe we are at the end of August already. The weather turned and it feels like mid September. I’m not quite ready for that. The last few weeks and the next few weeks see the resort welcoming back many of our return guests. It’s nice to catch back up with them and spend time enjoying each other again. Even though we love seeing our returning guests every year, we still need a break every now & then. We have arranged to have 1 weekend a month off in the summer, for a mental break and to spend some quality time with our family without the interruptions of resort life. This weekend we are traveling a whole 20 miles north. Whoo Hoo. Actually we are really looking forward to it. We will be staying in a small cabin next to my sisters house. We can’t wait to sit and relax with our children. The only thing I’m disappointed with is the weather is only going to be 70 degrees – not the best to lay out on the pontoon for days. Oh well, I’ll just do it wrapped in my towel.
We will also be spending time and getting to know our new foreign exchange student. She is from Spain and will be in high school with our daughter. This weekend will be a good time for us to get better acquainted before we launch into the school year and school sports etc.
My wish for you, enjoy the rest of summer and cherish each precious day.
Have fun and make memories!
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August 5th, 2019
August has taken off with a busy schedule – cabins are full and laughter is in the air. I had to write to tell you about our Cocktail Cruise.
We had donated a Cocktail Cruise on our houseboat for the YMCA charity ball. The fun loving winner scheduled her trip for last Saturday. We had a great time. There were 12 guests and my husband, Corby & I were the Captain & first mate. Corby’s captains shirt was in high demand and he eventually lost it to one of the guests. We provided a signature drink (this night is was “strip and go nakeds”) and some light appetizers. They brought more food and drinks and we set sail. It was fun right from the start – some of them arrived early and sunned on the top deck. We headed up the scenic Mississippi River to Sand Creek and the group went swimming. Several of them jumped off the top deck! After everyone cooled off, we went further up river and about an hour or so later found another swimming hole. It was great – several floated on inner tubes and others with life jackets. Then it was a leisurely ride back to the resort for a campfire and some even stayed and camped. It was a wonderful way to spend the evening and the group was great. We decided we need to do this more often, so we are now offering Cocktail cruises as well as houseboat rental and cabin and camping stays.
I’m ready to go again, so call and book a cruise on the river.
Take care,
Have fun and make memories!
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July 29th, 2019
I was making a supply run last week and found school supplies in the section I though I was going to. Already??? please, don’t rush summer. With the spring we had, it’s barely started.
Isn’t that how life feels sometimes, we just get in the groove of things and suddenly we feel like we are blind sided with a new season. I for one am still going to embrace another month of summer.
My gardens were doing so well, and then those pesky deer ate almost everything. The apple trees, hostas, geraniums, sedum, begonias…. I love seeing deer and watching them, just not eating my flowers. I bought some Irish Spring soap to see how that deters them. Perhaps a few will grow back by my nieces wedding in Sept.
Aside from that, things around here are the usual resort busy, cleaning cabins, doing laundry, weeding, mowing lawn,doing laundry, cleaning the pool, cleaning the fish shack, doing laundry. Did I say that yet? We are looking forward to the cocktail cruise this Friday. We donated a night on our houseboat for the YMCA Charity ball, complete with captain, first mate & snacks. The lucky buyers are heading out this weekend. It should be fun. I’ll post some pictures on my facebook. Maybe we will have to do something like that more often.
That’s it for today, I’m off to, yep – you guessed it, do laundry.
Take care,
Have fun and make memories!
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July 3rd, 2019
Let Freedom Ring! It is that time of year when we celebrate the freedoms we have in our country. Some view it as a day off, others a day to enjoy with family and friends and still others, the day has a much deeper meaning. Here at the resort we view it as a celebration for the rights we have and we try to honor those who have made our freedom possible. We have 3 vets in our immediate family and many more here at the resort. We also have many people who work to make our lives better, whether it is through government work in our cities, counties, state or country, or those who work with the best interests of others in mind. As we go to parades and listen to music and watch fireworks, we encourage all of you to think of the freedoms you have and thank someone who has made a difference in your life.
Speaking of parades, we will have our annual golf cart parade tomorrow. Our guests will decorate their carts and ATV’s and parade through the RV parks and then gather at the Boat House for coffee & donuts. it is always fun to see how creative some people are. It’s one of the highlights of our summer gatherings.
Take care and have a safe & happy Independence Day!
Have fun and make memories!
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I always have good intentions and then run out of time for all my ideas. Blogging included. We have had a mixed beginning to the season. The weather didn’t cooperate at first, and bookings are so-so with lots of cancellations. Life just gets in the way sometimes. It’s stressful for us, but on the other hand it’s good for you late planners. Check out our last minute openings for a good deal on a relaxing vacation.
This week, I got a few flowers planted. Since it’s so late I’m hoping for bursts of Fall color. Hopefully it works. We are progressing on the new houseboat roof, and some new docks and boat lifts and a canoe & kayak rack by the boat launch. The pool looks beautiful and had a lot of use this week. It’s so nice to hear the laughter of families enjoying time together.
Today as my wonderful cleaners take care of the cabins, I am doing laundry, planning the week, getting papers ready for new guests and wondering what in the world I am going to make for supper. I’ve been trying 2 new recipes a week and so far it’s going well. But they need to be quick and not involve a ton of new ingredients I’ll only use once. I’ve tried, Shrimp tacos, Tortellini soup (a big hit), taco filled pasta shell bake, I’m thinking fondu or a Shrimp boil sound good…. We’ll see.
Well, this is my rambling – I’ll post again – much sooner than last time.
Until next time,
Have fun and make memories!
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My name is Sheila Niemeyer and I have decided to write about our life at the resort.
I thought about this for some time. I not only wanted to promote the resort, but I wanted to update and engage our guests. Then I realized I could also preserve some of our stories and memories created, while sharing them with you.
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Resort Background:
Fun-Stal Resort was started in 1935 by Bess & Ted Stallman. Bess’s maiden name was Funfar & they combined the names to create Fun-Stal. They bought an old logging recovery camp on the Mississippi River. The cabins were no longer being used by loggers and some were used by trappers. They built a home for themselves (now Cabin #1) and converted the small mess hall to a cabin (now #2) and moved 2 cabins down a hill and set them right next to the river bank. The cabins were plain and had been used as bunk houses; no bathroom, no kitchen- no living area, just space for a few beds. They added, bedrooms and kitchens, with cold running water.
I believe it was around 1970 when the Stallman’s sold the resort to the Romers. They owned the resort for 7 years and then in 1977 Judy & Lyle Niemeyer bought the resort. Lyle used to come to the resort with his dad, and then again as he and Judy brought their kids to the resort to vacation. In 2003 the two oldest children, Kelly & Corby, purchased the resort and remodeled or rebuilt 3 of the 6 cabins and added a pool.
Corby & I, and our children continue to carry on the family tradition. It’s our family’s 42nd year. We have finished the old boat house and created a gathering area for guests, added some acreage to the resort and a houseboat. We continue to make plans to improve cabins and amenities. We are so blessed to have this opportunity and environment to raise our kids and serve others.
Until next time,
Have fun and make memories!